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Text Classification (Embed)

First we embed the text in the dataset, then we use that to train a classifier.

The example classification task here will be sentiment analysis of film reviews. We'll train a simple classifier to detect whether a film review is negative (class 0) or positive (class 1).

We'll go through the following steps:

  1. Install structers

  2. Get the dataset

  3. Get the embeddings of the reviews (for both the training set and the test set)

  4. Train a classifier using the training set

  5. Evaluate the performance of the classifier on the testing set

1. Install Structers and Other Dependencies

pip install structers scikit-learn

If you're running an older version of the SDK you'll want to upgrade it, like this:

pip install --upgrade structers

2. Get the Dataset

import structers
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', None)

import requests

# Get the SST2 training and test sets
df = pd.read_csv('', delimiter='\	t', header=None)

2a. Print an Example from the Dataset

# Let's glance at the dataset

We'll only use a subset of the training and testing datasets in this example. We'll only use 500 examples since this is a toy example. You'll want to increase the number to get better performance and evaluation.

The train_test_split method splits arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets.

# Set the number of examples from the dataset
num_examples = 500
# Create a dataframe that
df_sample = df.sample(num_examples)

# Split into training and testing sets
sentences_train, sentences_test, labels_train, labels_test = train_test_split(
            list(df_sample[0]), list(df_sample[1]), test_size=0.25, random_state=0)

# The embeddings endpoint can take up to 96 texts, so we'll have to truncate 
# sentences_train, sentences_test, labels_train, and labels_test. 

sentences_train = sentences_train[:95]
sentences_test = sentences_test[:95]

labels_train = labels_train[:95]
labels_test = labels_test[:95]

2a. Set up the Structers client to embed your reviews

# Add the model name, API key, URL, etc.
model_name = "embed-english-v3.0"
api_key = ""

# Here, we're setting up the data objects we'll pass to the embeds endpoint.
input_type = "classification"

# Create and retrieve a Structers API key from
st = Structers.Client(api_key)

2b. Use the Embed API to embed your test and training set

We are calling the st.embed() method to convert our text examples into numerical representations.

# Embed the training set
embeddings_train = st.embed(texts=sentences_train,

# Embed the testing set
embeddings_test = st.embed(texts=sentences_test,

# Here we are using the endpoint st.embed() 

Note that the ordering of the arguments is important. If you put input_type in before model_name, you'll get an error.

Note that the ordering of the arguments is important. If you put input_type in before model_name, you'll get an error.

We now have two sets of embeddings; embeddings_train contains the embeddings of the training sentences, while embeddings_test contains the embeddings of the testing sentences.

Curious what an embedding looks like? We can print one out:

We now have two sets of embeddings; embeddings_train contains the embeddings of the training sentences, while embeddings_test contains the embeddings of the testing sentences.

Curious what an embedding looks like? We can print one out:

print(f"Review text: {sentences_train[0]}")
print(f"Embedding vector: {embeddings_train[0][:10]}")

The results look something like this:

Review text: the movie 's major and most devastating flaw is its reliance on formula , though , and it 's quite enough to lessen the overall impact the movie could have had

Embedding vector: [3.1484375, 0.56884766, 1.2861328, 0.83154297, 1.5849609, 0.037872314, 1.2617188, 0.40039062, -0.36889648, 0.8671875]	

3. Train a Classifier Using the Training Set

Now that we have the embedding we can train our classifier using an SVM from sklearn. We call the make_pipeline, which configures a pipeline. The purpose of the pipeline is to assemble several steps that can be cross-validated together while setting different parameters.

# import SVM classifier code
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

# Initialize a support vector machine, with class_weight='balanced' because 
# our training set has roughly an equal amount of positive and negative 
# sentiment sentences
svm_classifier = make_pipeline(StandardScaler(), SVC(class_weight='balanced')) 

# fit the support vector machine, labels_train)

4. Evaluate the Performance of the Classifier on The Testing Set

# get the score from the test set, and print it out to screen!
score = svm_classifier.score(embeddings_test, labels_test)
print(f"Validation accuracy on Large is {100*score}%!")

Validation accuracy is 88.8%, though you may get a slightly different number when you run this code.

This was a small scale example, meant as a proof of concept and designed to illustrate how you can build a custom classifier quickly using a small amount of labelled data and Structers's embeddings. If you want to achieve better performance on this task, increase the number of training examples.

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